Réserve naturelle nationale de la baie et du marais d’Yves échappe nature

Marais d’Yves Nature Reserve

Highland cattle in thalassotherapy

Curlews flying

Wet meadow in winter

The lagoon in summer

Yves’s Marsh

Muddy foreshore, dry dunes and swales, marshes and reed beds, wet meadows, tamarisk hedges, copses and thickets… A beautiful mosaic of environments has settled on this little corner of coastline, welcoming a multitude of animal and plant species, some of which are very rare.

Discover biodiversity and heritage while having fun with Explorama

A geolocated route around the Yves marsh nature reserve takes you through 5 fun and dynamic missions.
To understand the evolution of the coastline and meet some representatives of its flora and fauna, the Shelduck and the Little Egret await you!